Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Opinion on the Obama Visit to Manila

12:59 AM

Obama in Manila

By John Cruzoe

We Filipinos can only blame ourselves for the conditions of the affairs of our State.  Culturally, we are imitators to the West. Nationally, we do not know our identity. Militarily, we fight with sticks and rocks. Why…because we keep on voting crooks.  The crooks that win the top post will assign other crooks to juicy posts, even sing Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On”. (One crook even stole the Presidency in a not so distant past)

I would love to name names but Janet Napoles made a list, checked it twice, and listed a lot of crooks in her own crooked way.

Now, did we grow? Did we develop as a strong Nation? Is their advancement in our Filipino lives? Looking at a different perspective, millions of Over-Seas-Filipino workers advanced to different countries and made those countries more productive and more developed than us.

This brings me back to my point. By this time of age we the Filipinos should be as mighty as Israel in terms of Military capabilities. Unfortunately, our Armed Forces of the Philippines cannot even trounce the Abu Sayaf, Nur MIsuari and even the NPA rebels.

Budget allocations were pocketed and misused by (refer to Napoles list please) and “some” military officials. Hence, just one water cannon from the Chinese coast guards we scramble to our old friend the United States of America.

I admit that we need the United States to protect us from the Chinese government.

Side note*** - The Chinese Government and the Chinese People are two very different entity in its entirety. The Chinese Government is composed of filthy rich Chinese officials who are so drunk with money and power. The Chinese People on the other hand the ones who really does not care of territorial disputes. The Chinese People are friendly folks who just work and work to earn and earn.

Now since everybody in our ASEAN region know that we are incapable of defending ourselves, the Chinese Government, being the opportunist that they are, is already capitalizing on our disadvantage, they us intimidation. Since we cannot fight back we can only use our wits. Ask for help.

United States, being the super cop of the world rescues us like a damsel in distress. Don’t get me wrong I am all for that.

Obama did the right move, to show that all countries whether big or small must follow international laws.  Actually, Obama can dictate a speech from his lofty White House. Instead, he visited to the Philippines to make a statement.

It can also be construed as, the United States is a super power and as the leader of the free world China should emulate the same behavior as the United States if China wants to be a super power.

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