By John Cruzoe
17:44, May 17, 2018
BEIJING, May 17 (Xinhua) –
In a sudden twist of territorial stance, the People’s Republic of China apologizes to the Republic of the Philippines over its oppression towards the Philippines with regards to all disputed islands over at the South China Sea.
Ever since China rose to a Super Power State, it has condemned the illegal grounding of a Philippine vessel on Ren’ai Reef, in the South China Sea. One Chinese news article writes:
“The vessel has been grounded since 1999, and there have been media reports of the Philippines wanting to increase their military presence on the reef. The Chinese Defense and Foreign Ministries have reiterated the country’s sovereignty over Ren’ai Reef, and denounced the Philippine act as illegal.” .
China’s Defense Ministry said on Thursday that China has considered a peaceful approach towards the indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, which include Ren’ai Reef, and their adjacent waters. China has decided to open bilateral and multilateral talks will all countries involved on the overlapping territories. With ears cleared from ear waxes, the Chinese has declared to listen, understand, cooperate and be mature with all issues concerning the disputed islands.
"....Chinese naval patrols will jointly patrol with Philippine coast guards in the area, to protect the waters from poachers and illegal fisher folks. Chinese authorities will assist the grounded Philippines vessel on the reef and have it replaced with a state of the art maritime vessel. This gesture will demonstrate to the world that China is ready to be a big brother in the ASEAN area and be the Super Power within its region," said Tahsing Kwengaolo, Spokesman of Chinese Defense Ministry.
Furthermore, the Chinese Foreign Ministry made it clear that China will be very very very very very supportive to the Philippines and other ASEAN countries with reference to maritime, economic, cuisine and military needs. China is hoping one day that all Asian countries will form a treaty to enhance stability and economic prosperity in Asia.
"China’s determination for peaceful synchronization and harmonization with its neighbors will safeguard not just its sovereignty but its relationship with smaller and combat challenged nations. China urges all Asian countries, including the Philippines , to set aside differences and be committed in enhancing peace and stability of the South China Sea," said Kongsi Bawsa, Spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry.
China has absolutely changed its once aggressive tone. As of press time, the Chinese structures, within the formerly disputed area, has been deconstructed and taken down. A different structure is now being put together by all Asian nations. It is believed to be a monument that will raise all the flags of Asian Nations. Stalls will be built as souvenir shops for tourists. This way, all will benefit and enjoy the beauty of the islands.
[BIZCHUM Disclaimer: This article was made for wishful thinking and entertainment purpose only. It is purely satirical. It would be nice if it were true.]
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